The Sewing Rebellion is a FREE workshop!
I WANT YOU, to emancipate yourself from the global garment industry by learning the skills to alter, mend and make your own garments!
Facilitated by Frau Fiber, textile worker and activist, Frau Fiber distributes her knowledge of the garment industry, pattering making and sewing. Encouraging the REUSE,RENOVATION and RECYCLING of existing garments and textiles in the creation of unique items tailored to YOUR taste and body shape.
BRING garments to mend and alter; sewing problems to solve, or an old piece of cloth to use in the production of an East German shopping bag. Other knock off patterns on hand: hunters hat and white-collar shirt.
Please post your questions or email Frau Fiber , fraufiber@gmail.com
Sewing Rebellion on the Road:
Dec. 8, 2-7 pm, sponsored by Good Magazine, 6824 Melrose Ave, LA, CA
Dec. 13, 10:30 am-2:30 pm, sponsored by Lancaster Museum of Art, 135 N. Lime Street, Lancaster PA
Dec. 18, 7-11 pm, Red Hook Sewing Rebellion, privately sponsored, email for directions.
Stop Shopping, Start Sewing Frau Fiber